Jaquar CSR


Jaquar Foundation- A mission to enhance the lives of the underserved

We, at Jaquar, firmly believe in actively contributing to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate. That's precisely why, we toil relentlessly to reach out to the underserved through our varied CSR activities and community projects, being carried out under the aegis of Jaquar Foundation. 'Sanitation, Health and Education form the core of our projects, through which we aim to create a Swachchha, Swastha Avam Shikshit Bharat'.

Message From The Promoter

The Jaquar Group is a rapidly growing multi-diversified bathroom solutions provider. Today, it caters to various socio-economic segments with brands such as Artize in the luxury category, Jaquar in the premium section and Essco in the value segment.

Jaquar Group is the undisputed market leader of the organised market for bath fittings in India, and one of the fastest growing in its category across the world.

A key part of our vision is to actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities that we are a part of. Our subsidiary, Jaquar Foundation, has been focusing on building a better, sustainable way of life for the weaker and less privileged sections of society.

The goal? To make a 'Swachchha, Swastha, Sikshit, Avam Kushal Bharat'. We are confident that we are making a difference and we look forward to growing responsibly and making a positive impact on the lives of more and more people.

Rajesh Mehra

Promoter and Director, Jaquar Group

Message From The Head, Jaquar Foundation

Jaquar Foundation was established in the year 2015 with the mission to continually spearhead Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives of the Jaquar Group for the betterment of society

Our key CSR objectives include: Helping to build a community that is economically viable and socially harmonious, creating sustainable livelihood opportunities around the natives, and supporting weaker sections of society through initiatives that lead to social and financial inclusion.

Jaquar Foundation's activities already cover the fields of education, health, sanitation, rural development and skill development. We have over 30 ongoing projects in association with state technical education departments (ITI) of Uttarakhand, Jharkhand, Kerala, Maharashtra, Assam, Haryana, Chandigarh and Odisha.

In establishing our centres, we work proudly alongside Industry / Knowledge partners like GMR, Aditya Birla Group, Art of Living, DHFL, Don Bosco, Skill Development Institute, D.G. Prisons, and more.

Together, we look forward to achieving new milestones in improving the lives of as many people as we can, in as many ways as we can./p>

Kanwar Shamsher Relan

Head, Jaquar Foundation

Jaquar Foundation's CSR Footprint

Shiksha (Education) 35 Schools - 9,000 Students
Kaushal (Skill)
Skill Development Programme in plumbing (PAN India)
4 Training Centres are operational - 800 Trainees/Year
8 new Training Centres to be operational by year end - 700 Trainees/Year
Swastha (Health) Indoor treatment for various critical diseases (Heart, Liver, Kidney, Paisley, Eye etc.)
-Approx. 700 patients treated so far. O.P.D (Mobile Dispensary)
-Approx. 120 patients per day  
Rural Development Drinking Water R.O Plant in 4 Villages
- Approx. 15000 habitats Benefited
Swachcha (Sanitation) Toilets Schools
- Approx. 9,000 Students/Day user Public places
- Approx. 15,000 Person/Day user  


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    Promoting education amongst children from weaker / poor section of society. We also provide financial support to government schools for children's education.

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    Skill development

    As our nation is in shortage of skilled plumbers, we contribute to recognise Plumbing Institutes / Organisations for the training of interested youth in the country. We have set up Plumbing Labs pan India for imparting skill / advanced training in Plumbing and allied areas.

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    Rural development

    Under Smartgram initiatives of President of India (POI) Jaquar Foundation has adopted 4 villages. We have provided R.O. plants for drinking water and health care facilities by operating mobile ambulance.

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    Jaquar Foundation has sponsored hospitals / health institutes for the treatment of patients from underprivileged sections of society for various types of diseases.

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    Under its sanitation initiatives, Jaquar Foundation has already constructed toilets in various schools in Delhi NCR. Jaquar Foundation has also made 6 toilet complexes at various public places in Gurugram.